What is and how do I use the WishList?
Posted by Mitzi Mitchell on 02 August 2008 12:23 AM
The Wish List is an awesome feature created by LinkWorth!

Have you ever bought a link and then found another site that you like better, but you have already paid up on the first one? The wish list will help prevent that from ever happening again. The wish list gives you the option to set aside all the sites you have found any interest in then pick and choose from just those before purchasing.

First you will need to create your wish lists, especially if you have more than one company you are buying for in the same account. Go to My Products >> LinkAds >> Wish List. At the very top you will see the option to create a new wish list, delete one you are done with and view a certain wish list.

When you are searching for sites and have found the ones you are interested in, select from the drop down box which wish list you want them added to and click the 'Add to Wish List' button. This will add the selected site in the wish list that you chose.

Once everything is in your wish list you can review, edit ads to be used, calculate totals on selected sites, remove, or purchase.
  • To calculate totals select the sites you are interested in and scroll to the bottom of the wish list. The selected totals and total for all sites in the wish list will show.
  • To change the ad that will be displayed on the site click the "edit" link next to the current ad. Choose the new ad from the drop down menu.
  • To remove sites from your wish list select them and click the "Remove" button.
  • When you are ready to purchase your links select the sites and hit the 'Move to Cart' button. Then click the cart icon in the top right hand corner to proceed.
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