What is the maximum number of links to put on a website?
Posted by Ron Wicker (Import) on 23 September 2006 03:36 AM
While we will not govern how many links a Partner can place on their website, we definitely give suggestions to do it effectively. Doing so effectively will encourage more Advertisers to place their links on your website. If you go beyond our suggestions, you will more than likely not have many Advertisers choose your website to advertise on.

No one can really provide an accurate max. number of outbound links but as a rule of thumb, the less the better. The best way to accept a high number of link request and/or have a high number of outbound links is to distribute the links throughout the page. Do not put them all on a side navigation bar or the foot of the page. Some partners will insert a few ads in between paragraphs within the content of pages. It creates higher click-thru rates and makes your site look a lot less cluttered with links.

**A very important note is, the most effective form of text link advertising is for Advertisers and Partners to remain in their same category. Straying outside of your websites theme can downgrade the value of your vote. So be sure to try and keep things within you respective categories. There are many instances where an ad might fit that resides in another category, so using the best judgement is important.
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