How do I approve new links and ad units to be placed on my website?
Posted by Ron Wicker (Import) on 23 September 2006 03:27 AM
To approve new Advertiser links to be placed on your website, follow these simple steps:

-> Login to the LinkWorth Control Center
-> Navigate to MANAGE LINKS and then PENDING. An easier method is when you login to your account, you will see a red message stating how many pending ads there are with a direct link to the pending requests.
-> Review each link to ensure you approve the link on our website.
-> Click either "YES" to approve or click "NO" to not approve

Once an ad has been approved, the system checks to see if publish options have been previously saved and either directs you to the final publish option page or it will ask you to select a publish option and take you through the steps.

Terms allow up to 10 days to either approve or decline the ad requests and once approved, there is a five (5) day window to actually publish the ads on the respective website. If these timeline's are not met, the deal will be cancelled and no money will exchange hands.
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