Why would I hide my website address from advertisers?
Posted by - NA - on 26 October 2006 10:53 PM

At the time a partner lists their website, they have the option of showing or hiding their website domain name and/or URLs.

The major benefit for showing the URL to advertisers is that an advertiser will have the ability to personally review the content of the partner's website for quality and relevancy to their ad campaign.

Some partners prefer to keep their URLs hidden in an effort to prevent unwanted parties from identifying their website as selling advertisements. This is often done by partners in an effort to prevent search engine company representatives from penalizing the website for offering direct hyperlinked text ads.

Note that partner websites that hide the URL from advertisers will still display detailed website analytics to the advertiser, including items such as PageRank, LinkRank, Backlinks and Alexa Ranking. So, while it may be slightly more difficult for an advertiser to determine if the partner page is relevant, the advertiser will still have an informative view of the partner's website details.

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